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Mining students, please use:

 Remember when uploading files to put them in the appropriate directory.

 Directories with people's names should be treated as read-only, and will be sorted and deleted in the near future.

 File structure is as follows:

 Past Semesters
 |---Columbia College
 |   |---Folders for CC Classes
 |   |   |---Year/semester the files for that class came from
 |---Missouri S&T
 |   |---Departments for MST classes
 |   |   |---Folders for MST classes
 |   |   |   |---Year/semester the files for that class came from

 Please follow this file structure when adding new classes to ensure this resource stays usable in the future.

 Class folder naming scheme is as follows:
 Class_Num (Complete Full Name of the Class as appears on the syllabus)

 Please use this naming scheme when adding new classes

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Thanks to Paul "G0HWC" for the page design.

Created, maintained and hosted by TM Computing, © 2022.